lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022


In general I think my career is vanguardist, I realized of this when I reviewed the curriculum of social work in other universities because in my curriculum I have a subject called critical approaches in social work, and this subject doesn't exists in other universities that teach social work. This subject is about philosophical positions that we can use at social work, specifically in the interventions and the construction of social programs.

As you can see it's really interesting to any social worker to have this subject because it gives us a ground where we can be critical of our own work. BUT there is a little problem, after this subject there is another called epistemology of social sciences that as the name suggests is about the principles of knowledge into the social sciences in general. I consider that exists a problem because to me it's more logic to know the knowledge of social sciences before learn critical proposals that have roots in social sciences. So I would do a change between these subjects teaching epistemology and after critical approaches, I think that it would give to the career a logical continuity and my future colleagues will pass these subjects more easiest because they will have a better basis of knowledge and at the exams they will know more authors and bibliography to generate discussions more enriching about the subject.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2022


Honestly, I have pessimist thoughts about the future I mean, today exists a lot of problems in the planet like the progressive drought, ocean temperature, CO2 emissions, etc. All of them affect or will affect the whole world and I don´t hope a big change in the world to stop this and do something in time. So, a little message, please take care of the environment because I really hope I am wrong.

And if this is the case, I expect the travels to other planets being a real possibility so I would like go to Neptune and Jupiter (thinking almost in a science fiction scenery). I feel attracted for both of these planets because I think they are gorgeous, I mean, I really can´t believe that these planets exist (not in a conspiranoic sense) because of their colors, their characteristics, their remoteness. It´s simply unbelievable.

In Saturn I would like to see their rings. Since I was a child, I was speechless when I saw a picture of the rings and being close of them it would be wonderful. In Neptune I would like to see a rain of diamonds, it's really crazy think that in one place of the universe something like this happens, but it's real.

In Saturn I would like to see their rings. Since I was a child, I was speechless when I saw a picture of the rings and being close of them it would be wonderful. In Neptune I would like to see a rain of diamonds, it's really crazy think that in one place of the universe something like this happens, but it's real. I am sure that like this, exists a lot of craziest and wonderful planets and in my hypothetical future we will can travel to all of these places.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

My dream job

To be honest I don't see to myself working in only one job, so I don't really think I have a dreamed job for my future but I can mention some features that a job must have to make me feel comfort with it.
The first important characteristic is to be an space of continous personal and academic development, I hope a job that helps me to be inducted to the most recents studies of social science and that their daily routine have challenges to me. Essentially I will look for a job that brings me experience to be every day a better professional.
Other important characteristic of a dreamed job for me is to keep me moving constantly, I mean I want to have field work, and that this field work keep me in lot of places at once time. The important to me is not to stay behind a desk for the most of the day.
Currently I am studing social work, and I hope to have a job that involves my studies, this is that engages people and communities. About my salary pretentions and being realistic I don't hope high numbers in my bank account and nothing of that. I only expect I can live quietly, and that my money will be enough to have a house and don't have big necesities.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

My best convert ever

 My best concert was at the Club Hípico, on the 27th of January, 2018. Specifically was an event called "La Cumbre del Rock Chileno" that as the name says is about chilean rock and the lineup was full of bands that I enjoy like Ases Falsos, Los Jaivas (they were honored for their trajectory), Sinergia, etc. But my favorite show of the event was of Chancho en Piedra and I will spoke specifically of the show of them.

If you don't know Chancho en Piedra I can describe them in one phrase: "the chilean version of Red Hot Chili Peppers". This is because both bands are knowed for similar features like the funky sound of guitar riffs and difficult techniques of bass accompanied by funny lyrics.

This show was epic, I remember that I knowed all the songs they played so I could sing (or scream haha) all of them. When I was there I participated for first time in a "mosh", so this is some more that did this concert unforgettable for me. Sadly I don't have photos of the concert :-( so I will share pictures of the band and their pet "Juanito"

martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

A country I'd like to visit

 I'd like to visit England. I have three big reasons to go there: the music, the football and the atmosphere that this sport produces. These reasons are asociated to my knowledge that I have about this country. 

In my childhood I used to listen to rock music and the most of my favorites band (and the influences of them) are from England. And one of my favorite bands of the genre are Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Iron maiden  and currently I still listening them but if one day I travell to England I would go to any concert that a local artist offers, because I love british music in general, (even artists so differents between them like Dua Lipa and Sex Pistols) so I will be excited anyways.

The football in this country is very popular and the fans fill all the stadiums no matter the category of the match, being loyal to his team. And this is an ambience that makes me feel excited and comfortable, because of this I think my first activity in england would be attend a football match of one of the big teams like chelsea, arsenal, manchester city, etc. 

I'd like to live there because of the ambience, not only the football ambience. I'm drawn to the streets, to the architecture, to the public transport, to the stadiums and the music. So I think that this country could makes me feel comfortable.



In general I think my career is vanguardist, I realized of this when I reviewed the curriculum of social work in other universities becaus...